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2024年12月5日 木曜日
東京表参道 ロビンクラブにて 6:00PMスタート 

日本で最も画期的なIT & テクノロジーの企業を発見

ピッチコンテスト - ネットワークパーティー - 参加者による投票 - ライブ音楽 & エンターテイメント



















6:00 PM 日本時間

6:00PM:    開場 / チェックイン

6:30PM:    開会

6:45PM:  ピッチコンペティション (4 分 / 各社)
7:45PM:    参加者によるライブ投票
8:00PM:    ビュッフェスタイルでのネットワーキング(食事、飲み物)
8:45PM:    授賞式 - 受賞者発表 / 賞品抽選会
9:00PM:   ライブ音楽 + ネットワーキングパーティー 


10:00 PM 日本時間





対面式 | ネットワーキングパーティー






Performance Lighting



Catching Up


Lunch Buffet





Video equipment




イベント会場はこちら :
  • ロビンクラブ表参道

  • 東京都港区南青山5丁目6−23スパイラルB1F

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  • WHEN will the event be?
    Our next event will take place on December 5th, 2024 (THURSDAY)
  • WHERE will the event take place?
    Our next event will take place in ROBIN CLUB, a sophisticated and stylish venue, known for its modern ambiance and elegant decor. Located in the upscale Omote Sando area, it offers a unique blend of contemporary design and a warm, inviting atmosphere. Whether you're attending an event, enjoying a night out, or hosting a private gathering, Robin Club provides a chic setting perfect for networking, socializing, and entertainment. The venue often features live performances, fine dining, and premium drinks, making it a popular choice for those looking to experience the best of Tokyo's nightlife and cultural scene. ADDRESS: Spiral B1F, 5 Chome−6−23, Minami Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 〒107-0062 ACCESS LINK:
  • WHY is the event organized?
    We designed this event specifically for IT industry leaders, tech enthusiasts, engineers, start-up entrepreneurs, and professionals aiming to build meaningful connections and explore both business prospects or career opportunities within Japan's dynamic technology landscape. Our objective is to grow a community of technology experts who exchange insights, drive innovation, and contribute to Japan's global advancement in technology, creativity, and diversity in the workspace.
  • WHO is this event for?
    Our event is especially beneficial for: - Junior or senior IT professionals - Technology leaders - IT engineers - CTOs - Start-Up entrepreneurs, business leaders, and hiring managers - Employer branding professionals and brand ambassadors
  • Can I meet companies hiring in Japan and find new career opportunities?
    YES, you can definitely have the opportunity to meet with some decision makers and hiring managers.
  • How is the winner of the pitch contest selected?
    The winner of the pitch competition will be elected by the audience via online voting (Smartphone & QR Code scanning) after all the presentations have been performed. More details will be communicated during the event.
  • How often do you organize this event?
    So far, we plan to organize this event once or twice a year (to start with). Depending on the success of the first couple of events, we may decided to organize it up to 3 to 4 times a year.
  • How many people are expected to attend this event?
    The capacity of our current venue is between 250 to 300 people maximum for one event.
  • Why should I join this event?
    Why Attend Our Event: Entertainment: Enjoy a fun night with live music and, fine food and drinks while building meaningful connections. Network with Industry Leaders: Connect with IT industry leaders, tech enthusiasts, and professionals to build valuable connections. Explore Business Prospects and Career Opportunities: Discover potential business partnerships or job opportunities within Japan's dynamic technology sector. Discover Emerging Companies: Gain insights into emerging companies and startups, learning about their innovations and workplace culture. Stay up to date on Cutting-Edge Technologies: Get firsthand exposure to the latest technologies shaping Japan's IT and tech landscape. Gain Insights into Workplace Excellence: Learn what sets exceptional workplaces apart in Japan's IT and tech sectors, gaining valuable insights for personal and professional growth. Join a Community of Innovators: Become part of a community committed to driving innovation and contributing to Japan's global advancement in technology, creativity, and workplace diversity.
  • Which ticket should I buy to participate in the pitch contest (as a speaker)?
    To apply as a speaker or presenter, book a "Professionals" ticket and select the "I am interested in participating as a presenter" checkbox. Once your reservation is confirmed, we will provide more details on the application process. HirePlanner and Innohyve reserve the right to select the evening speakers based on how closely they align with the event's theme. With only 10 slots available, space is limited. If slots are filled, you may have the opportunity to speak at future events, but not everyone will be able to join this time. Please note that event sponsors have priority in the pitch and presentation competition, provided their presentation aligns with the theme and offers value to the audience and participants.
  • What type of companies can participate?
    Any company engaged in new technologies and innovations, or businesses recruiting IT engineers and technology experts, are welcome to participate: Here are just a few examples: - Innovative tech startups - Technology-driven businesses - Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning businesses - Internet of Things (IoT) Firms - Data Science - Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) - Robotics - Cybersecurity businesses - IT Consulting Services - SaaS | Software development companies - Environmental technology businesses ...
  • How many companies will participate in the pitch contest?
    A maximum of 10 companies can participate in the pitch competition.
  • In which language can I present my pitch?
    This time, the event will be hosted and run in English. Future events may be hosted in either English or Japanese or both.
  • How long is the pitch?
    Each presentation (pitch) should last a maximum of 4 minutes.
  • Can I present my pitch remotely?
    All presentation will need be to done live and in person or pre-recorded in advance. Presentation done via video conference such as Zoom or Google Meet will not be allowed during the event (to avoid any potential technical and connectivity issues).
  • What type of content can I include in my presentation deck and slides?
    You are completely free to include any type of content you want in your presentation slides to make your company and technology standout. Focus on delivering a clear and compelling message that showcases your innovation, business model, and potential impact to society. Here's a suggested structure for your pitch deck and slides: Introduction Title Slide: Include your company or project name, logo, and tagline. Introduction: Briefly introduce yourself and your team (if applicable). Problem Statement Identify the Problem: Clearly describe the problem your technology or solution addresses. Target Audience: Define who is affected by this problem. Solution Your Innovation: Present your product, service, or technology that solves the problem. Key Features and Benefits: Highlight the unique features and benefits that set your solution apart from others. Market Opportunity Market Size and Potential: Provide an overview of the market size, growth potential, and target audience. Market Trends: Discuss any relevant trends that support the need for your solution. Business Model Revenue Streams: Explain how your company plans to make money (e.g., pricing strategy, sales channels). Go-to-Market Strategy: Outline your plan for reaching and engaging customers. Competitive Landscape Competitor Analysis: Briefly mention key competitors and explain how your solution is superior. Unique Selling Proposition (USP): Highlight what makes your product unique. Traction and Milestones Progress to Date: Share any significant achievements, such as partnerships, user growth, or revenue. Future Milestones: Outline your plans for the next phases of development or expansion. Team Key Team Members: Introduce the core team and their relevant experience. Advisors and Partnerships: Mention any notable advisors or partnerships. Call to Action What You're Asking For: Specify if you're seeking investment, partnerships, customers, or other forms of support. Contact Information: Provide your contact details for follow-up. Closing Slide Thank You: Conclude with a thank you slide and invite the audience to reach out to you or meet you during the networking party. Keep your slides visually engaging with minimal text, and use graphics, charts, and images to illustrate key points. Practice your presentation to ensure you can deliver it clearly and confidently within the 4-minute timeframe.
  • Do you have any tips to help me deliver a great presentation?
    To help you deliver a presentation that captivates and inspires your audience, here is a list of tips to help you create a fun, entertaining, and memorable experience: ➡️
  • Can I meet with IT talent and potential employees?
    Absolutely, one of the prime purpose for this event is to help companies attract top IT professionals and potential employees.
  • What are the benefits of joining as a sponsor?
    Becoming a sponsor at our Tech Awards Night offers a unique opportunity to significantly enhance your brand awareness within Japan's IT community. You'll have the platform to showcase your brand, products, and technologies and even promote your job opportunities in Japan, engage with tech professionals, and attract top IT talent to your organization. Our comprehensive sponsorship package includes the following benefits: 🎫 5 Tickets Offered ⭐️ Free Job Post Advertising offered for 3 months (HirePlanner, Linkedin, Indeed, Google Jobs & 🎁 🎙️ 1 Pitch Contest - Speaker Slot ✔ Video recording of your presentation on stage ✔ Free access to the networking area ✔ Center stage logo display ✔ Display of your corporate logo on the event website ✔ QR Code Display (Jobs Link) ✔ Enjoy entertainment and live music ✔ Enjoy fine food and drinks ✔ Soft copy of the list of all event participants ✔ 1 blog feature report ✔ Social media mentions These benefits not only will boost your company’s visibility but also provide direct access to a network of skilled IT professionals, making it easier to connect with potential hires and find new potential collaborators. Don’t miss this opportunity to elevate your brand and engage with the best in the industry!



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